Łukasz Borowicki Solo | Odense Bibliotekerne

Foto: Jonas Legarth

ons. 04. sep. 2024 kl. 17:00 til kl. 18:00


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Łukasz Borowicki Solo

Guitarist og komponist Luksz Borowicki har efterhånden udgivet adskillige albums i eget navn, og i 2022 og 2023 har Lukasz gjort sig særligt bemærket med de to albums 'Birds' og 'Rituals', som har fået stor anderkendelse på P8 Jazz. Kom og få en unik mulighed for at høre Lukasz fremføre sit nyeste materiale solo, live på Musikbibliotekets scene.

Łukasz Borowicki is a guitarist and composer creating atmospheric and lyrical instrumentals sprinkled with ambient textures and moods. His music has an emotive character and an unhurried, meditative feel to it. It is warm in timber and rather soft in dynamics. The notes have space to breathe and the overall expression of his music feels intimate.


Łukasz graduated from the Academy of Music in Odense (Denmark) and debuted in 2014 with his trio album, People, Cats & Obstacles presenting rather abstract, experimental and free-jazzy music. This album was followed by Wandering Flecks (2016), Songs with Rhymes (2017) and his sextet album Morbidezza of Decadence (2018) recorded with acclaimed Danish musicians, Anders Morgensen and Mads la Cour. Lukasz toured with different formations as a leader (headlining Varna Jazz Festival and Voicinger Jazz Festival in Warsaw) as well as part of the polish jazz-rock group Jazzpospolita, with which he co-composed and recorded the album Przypływ.


In 2022 Łukasz released his first solo album with a more calm and moody style with ambient-like textures and folk-influenced simplicity. On Rituals (released in 2023) dreamy nylon strings and electric guitars blend with bass and ethereal sounding synth in the background creating an atmospheric and picturesque story. The music on this album comes from a quiet and tranquil place. it is slower than life. It doesn’t scream for your attention but it can pull you in if you’re in the right state of mind. Rituals is a genre-crossing, lyrical and ethereal story about repetition, words, gestures and different states of mind.


Listen to 'Air' from the album Rituals


Denne koncert er støttet af Statens Kunstfond.


Af: jesbo

Udgivet: Tirsdag 23. april 2024 • Opdateret: Torsdag 25. april 2024

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