Sig goddag til Europe Direct Odenses studentermedhjælper | Odense Bibliotekerne

Sig goddag til Europe Direct Odenses studentermedhjælper

Foto: Lilian Francis Marc Jouve


Europe Direct Odense har pr. 1/2-2023 ansat en studentermedhjælper: Lilian, som skal være her i tre måneder. Vi har bedt ham om at fortælle om sig selv og hans arbejde med det europæiske samarbejde.

Hej ! Bonjour!

My name is Lilian Jouve, and I am the new student assistant of Europe Direct Odense. I am a 21 years old Frenchie who’s passionate by the politics and especially by the European affairs, including the Nordic area. I am from Montpellier in the south of France (at the Mediterranean coast) but I’m used to study in Toulouse at “Sciences Po”, which is an university institute of political studies. I love sports and I practice Basketball and Australian football, but I follow a lot of different sports: by the way I congratulate the Danish handball team for their world champion title against us!

What do I do in Denmark:

I came to Denmark during August in 2022 as an exchange student at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense. I decided to study here during the whole year through the Erasmus+ program, a lot of students are staying just one semester but I wanted to stay longer because I want to discover well the country and to know better the Danish culture. I am at the faculty of business and social sciences of SDU, where I have courses about the Scandinavian welfare policies, and about Marketing and communication. The courses hours per week are not so much so I have available time to do other activities and to discover other parts of the Danish life.
why do I want to work at Europe Direct Odense:
During my autumn semester, I was looking for a part-time job in Odense and I found the Europe Direct center at the Odense’s library. My interest into European public affairs (I want to do my master degree of European affairs) led me to apply for a job here, that’s a good way for me to learn more about it. As a center of information about the European Union, Europe Direct is a good start to understand to understand the Union and it’s influence on the daily lives of the Odense people. The activities making by the center are for every generation of people and the pedagogical aspect interest me a lot, it involves in a lot of work tasks such as communication and organizing and animating events.

What I’m going to do at Europe Direct Odense:

Here, I will regularly write features in the newsletter about my European experiences in France: I was engaged in the young europeans movement of Toulouse and I participated to a lot of events co-organized with local authorities and the French State, in particular during the French presidency of the EU council last year. I hope that it will explain my interest into EU affairs and maybe that will awaken vocations or at least more interest for Europe among readers. Also, I will manage the social medias account of Europe Direct Denmark, I would like to try to develop this because it is a great way to reach new people. Finally, I will help my teammates to organize events and to elaborate new pedagogical tools: there’s a lot of different things to do in an Europe Direct center!

Af: tela1

Udgivet: Fredag 3. februar 2023 • Opdateret: Mandag 6. februar 2023

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