Paths of Literature - for you with Danish as a non-native language | Odense Bibliotekerne

Foto: OBIB

tir. 29. okt. 2024 kl. 14:00 til kl. 16:00


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Paths of Literature - for you with Danish as a non-native language

Do you have Danish as a non-native language, and would like to start reading fiction? Then join the Main Library’s language café on Tuesday, October 29th at 2 PM. Her, all participants will receive a better fundation to start reading fiction in Danish.

Do you have Danish as a second language and would like to start reading fiction? Then join the Main Library’s language café on Tuesday, October 29th at 2 PM. On this day, all participants will get better conditions to start reading fiction in Danish.

What can you do to improve your reading skills? How do you assess your own reading level? And which books are good to start with? You can get answers to these questions and more when Mikkel Ahlburg visits the language café. Mikkel will give good advice on how to get started with reading fiction, because unlike reading textbooks, the world of fiction is filled with exciting and entertaining stories.

But why read fiction? Besides the joy of good stories, it has the advantage that you develop your vocabulary much faster. Reading introduces you to a world of new words that you rarely encounter in ordinary conversation. In other words, you become better at speaking Danish when you also read it.

Mikkel Ahlburg is a teacher of Danish as a second language and runs the school

Participation is free. The lecture takes place in Room 1.1 at the Main Library. Please arrive in good time.

Program for the day:

  • What can you do to improve your reading skills?
  • How can you assess your own reading level?
  • What materials are available that could be good?
  • Reading strategies
  • Typical mistakes in reading and writing
  • Debate: Is Danish difficult?

Af: larho

Udgivet: Tirsdag 8. oktober 2024 • Opdateret: Tirsdag 8. oktober 2024

Spar strøm og CO2

Når du bruger vores hjemmeside, kan du mindske strømforbrug og dermed CO2-udledning ved at gøre to ting:

  1. Vælg "Brug mørke farver": Nogle skærme bruger mindre strøm, når de viser mørk baggrund.
  2. "Skjul medier" (billeder og video): Hvis du undlader at indlæse billeder og videoer, sparer du strøm, da mere datatrafik er lig med mere strøm.

Du kan altid ændre indstillingerne igen 😉

Se mere om bibliotekets arbejde med FN's 17 verdensmål

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